about me
I am an information designer and head of project of Átlátszó’s visual journalism project Átló. I’m also master teacher of journalism, media studies and information graphics at the Media Department of Eötvös Loránd University. For my journalistic and visualization works I received the Information is Beautiful Award (silver, with my partner Krisztián Szabó), the Transparency-Soma Award and the Quality Journalism Prize. I’m currently writing my Phd-thesis on the history of information graphics in Hungary.
I live in Budapest, Hungary with my beautiful wife and our six years old cute rascal son.

dataviz book
Adatvizualizáció: Bevezetés az adatok grafikus ábrázolásának elméletébe és gyakorlatába
Budapest, ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2024
Ára/price: 8890 HUF
Rendelés/order: ELTE Webshop
ELTE Eötvös Könyvesbolt (1053 Bp. Kecskeméti u. 10-12.)
Az adatok grafikus ábrázolásának elméleti, rendszerezési és gyakorlati kérdéseiről korábban magyar nyelvű kézikönyv nem jelent meg. Ez a könyv ezt a hiányt kívánja pótolni közel 300 illusztrációval és példával olyan hazai és külföldi grafikusoktól, információdizájnerektől és adatvizualizációs szakemberektől, mint Adina Renner, Anne-Marie Dufour, Deniz Cem Önduygu, Farkas Anna, Francesco Franchi, Frank Elavsky, Janosov Milán, Jason Forrest, John-Burn Murdoch, Karim Douieb, Katona Eszter, Kovács Ivett, Marcelo Duhalde, Mikola Bence, Minkó Mihály, Nadia Kelm, Németh Dóra, Nigel Holmes, Nika Zsófia, RJ Andrews, Simon Scarr, Sipos Melinda, Szabó Krisztián, Szűcs Krisztina, Varga Tamás és még sokan mások.
– Bővebb információ/More information

I have over ten years of experience in creating information graphics, data visualizations and maps. Besides Átlátszó and Átló, I have worked for clients such as the National Archives of Hungary, Municipality of Budapest, Embassy of Sweden, WWF Hungary, Budapest Brand, National Geographic, Budapest City Archives, Tomory Lajos Museum, CEU CMDS, University of Vienna.
teaching and workshops
I have been teaching at ELTE since 2019, and over the years I have given dozens of workshops on data visualization and cartography to academic research centres, NGOs and educational institutions in Hungary and abroad. Among my clients are Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, TOL Education Prague, Dataharvest Mechelen, EUI CMPF, Center for Sustainable Media, Center for Independent Journalism, Newsreel, Hungarian Academy of Science KRTK, N-Ost, WWF, Central European University and Egis.
Workshop topics
Information design, data visualization, mapping, cartography, dataviz tools, data journalism, OSINT
Software and tools
Flourish, RawGraphs, Datawrapper, Qgis, Foursquare, Plotly, Mapshaper, MyGeodata, PlotDB, Tabula, Tableau, Excel, Sublime Text, Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop
– Interested? Let’s chat!
– Actual teaching modules at ELTE (for students)

research and publications
I regularly publish in scientific journals and other forums and present at conferences. My main areas of research interest are: the Hungarian media system and politics, the politics of data, and the theory, practice and history of graphic presentation of data.
– List of publications

– My first post on Substack: My year 2024.
– Danube warming up is amongst the best data journalism projects of 2024 according to the editors of GIJN
– TrendFM interviewed me about my book
– Official book launch: 3rd December at ELTE
– First map for National Geographic Hungary
– My dataviz book is published!
– Kreatív Magazin interviewed me about my book and the state of dataviz
– Leaving X (Twitter), joining Bluesky!
– Workshop: MoME
– Abszolút Érték podcast interview
– Working on Critical Data Studies: Hungarian Reflections
– My article on the Hungarian media system is published in Civic and Uncivic Values in Hungary edited by Sabrina P. Ramet and László Kürti
– ATOM Project for National Archives
do you want to work with me?